Halloween came and went so fast I did not even have time to post some of the highlights of this fun holiday. So here goes my belated Halloween blog.
This year we wanted to do something special for our Halloween program and John came up with the marvelous idea of putting on a magic show. We found that Seth has a knack for mime and so with Seth and John pulling the show together, we found that they had they had the perfect combination of comedy and ingenuity to make the program a cracking success. It was "cracking" because we could never get through a practice session with out "cracking up". Here is a video and some pictures that we took during our performances.
Seth a.k.a. "Merlin" is "trying" to make a little white ball (which "Maid Marilee" is holding under the hat) disappear.
Seth needed Graham, Isaac, and Marilee to help him with some balloon tricks.
Here is "the band"!
Katie and I had to keep the music going throughout the magic show and "Merlin" joined us when he could. (Check out KT's costume, it is an traditional Indian outfit known as a "churidar".)
It was a very fun program to put together and to perform for our friends all around Nebraska.
Halloween Day 2011
Katie and I were in charge of making lunch and we happened to run across a recipe called "Purple People Eater Cupcakes". In our program we sang the old children's song "Flying Purple People Eater" and so we thought it would be fun to make them. After Katie and I made some chocolate cupcakes (If your going to make cupcakes they might as well be chocolate right?), then Graham, Isaac, Marilee, helped us decorate them.
They turned out pretty cute don't you think?
(the tongue is purple because we ran out of red Laffy Taffy)

After the desert was made then Graham, Isaac, and Marilee got to carve their pumkins.
Graham decided to eat dinner with his just so it wouldn't feel lonely, right Graham?
What would Halloween be without dry ice?
Every year Mom will buy dry ice to put in our annual Halloween punch. This has been one of my favorite holiday traditions. (Warning: dry ice is so cold it burns, so DON'T touch it without gloves or a spoon.)
(sorry the pictures are a little blurry and strange, the flash broke on our camera and it has been acting up ever since then.)
The goal here is to blow out all of these candles with one breath.
That's lookin' pretty good Katie, you have got half of them out so far!

Several of the boys actually accomplished this feat.
Believe me, it is harder than it looks!
Halloween has come and gone. It is always a very fun time of year for us. The changing seasons, the longer and colder nights, the falling of the leaves, the warm soups and stews, the cozy evenings spent in the warmth of each other's camaraderie , has a way of passing much too quickly. It makes us think of how life moves on. Time does not stop for anyone and that realization always makes me want to cherish every single moment of this life. It brings this scripture to mind:
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven..."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
It is such a comfort to know that God is in charge and in command of each one those seasons. What a blessing it is to know that we can trust that HE knows each one of our roles and purposes in this life. So life must go on, but each day can strengthen our determination to trust in and follow along the lifelong pathway of a disciple of Christ.