Corn, Corn, and more Corn!

Yes, its that time of year! CORN SEASON!!!
A few weeks ago, a friend asked us if we wanted any sweet corn and said that we could have as much as we could pick! Needless to say that afternoon everybody that was home headed out to the field and picked as much as they could (In other words, as much as our little honda civic could hold)...
Our Corn Crew!
(David, Seth, Graham, Isaac, and Marilee)
How many do you have there, Graham?

Having fun?
They came home with over 300 ears of corn! 

Seth ran the cooking process and then dumped the cobs into the ice water so that...

David and Graham could cut the corn off the cob!

Isn't that a nice looking pile of corn cobs?

We filled about 40 bags and then stuffed them into our freezer. (I think we are going to need another freezer)
Even though it may not look like much in the end, I can assure you that every bitefull will be thoroughly enjoyed!

"Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving." 
Doctrine and Covenants 89:11

Open House!

Aug 16th, we officially completed remodeling the building and held an open house! We were not sure if anybody was going to show up and so we decided to make it into a jamboree/open house. We asked all of our musician friends to come and we thought that even if nobody else showed up at least we could still have some fun playing music. However, when the time came for the open house we were astonished that a huge crowd showed up. It turned out to be a great success and we look forward to many more evenings spent using the building for community events. 

Here is a picture of some of our friends...
Thanks for coming, we really enjoyed it!

Katie took a head count about halfway through the evening and there were 120+ people there. 
We had no idea that so many people would show up but we are so glad that they did and we hope that they all enjoyed it!

Here are a few more pictures that were taken throughout the evening!

This is the lounge room...

On one of the walls in the main room we marked all of the places that we have lived around the world... 

We hung up flags from all of the different countries as well.

Mom did a fantastic job preparing the food as well as the decorations. 
Graham made the watermelon bowls. Don't they look really good?

Thank you to all of the people who brought cookies, dips, and other goodies!!!

The Jamboree/Open House ran from about 7:00p.m.-9:00 p.m.
We felt really good about how it turned out and hope that this is just the beginning of many many more community events! 

After the open house was over a couple of our friends stayed a bit longer and we continued to jam until... well until we could barely get any more notes out of our sleepy brains. heehee just kidding we didn't stay up that late... 

This whole experience felt like a miracle. It has been almost a year since we purchased the building and we often wondered how we were going to find the time or money to fix it up. But we knew that the Lord wanted us to buy it and fix it up so we put our trust in Him and we began to work in  faith that this was His project and He would provide a way. He did! We know that without His help there is no way we could have accomplished what we did. We give all the credit and praise to the Lord and hope that we will always be able to use it for His purposes! 

"... I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which He commandeth them."
1Nephi 3:7

Burton's Bend

We have been so bad at keep up on our blog. Last week we went to Burton's Bend Festival down in Hildreth. We really had a great time. The people there were so fun to be with. Below are some of the songs that the Half Staff played.

David Returns!

We were all so excited to see David again. What a wonderful reunion we had. Our hearts were filled with gratitude toward the Lord that He would watch over him and bless him with health and safety. David has grown some man hairs on his face and matured a lot since he has been away:)
It has been fun to hear his stories and experiences. It sounds like he met many new people and made many new friendships throughout his mission in Brazil. Maybe one day we can get him to tell a few of his stories here on the blog.