With the hillbillies coming to town, John felt he needed to raid the kitchen so that we could add the simple, sweet sounds of a homemade hillbilly style drumset to the program. Nice work John, it has added lots of flavor to our music.

John also decided that Graham's cello bow was not adequate for a routine he had up his sleeve and so he built his own innovative cello bow. He made it over 6 ft. long so that the 3 violins and cello can all play on one bow...unfortunately, it is not very travel friendly and it has been an adventure to try to fit a 6 foot long piece of wood in an already overflowing minivan. It's the material that memories are made of...

"...we did work timbers of curious workmanship. And the Lord did show me from time to time after what manner I should work..."
1 Nephi 18:1
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