We have finally started our SUMMER CAMP!!! Going from rarely more than 5 programs a month to on average 10-12 programs a month was a huge jump for us. We are always trying to learn new songs and improve our skills but we have been struggling to keep that up. We have decided to really focus on practicing music for six weeks. We are going to try to improve our skills as well as put several new programs together that we can use as the year progresses. It has been fun to plan and I have been looking forward to starting this "crash course". It will be fun to see how this new adventure goes...
Here is a sneak peak at our music filled days.
Graham and his Cello

Way to go Marilee...

Keep up the hard work
One day we gave Baskin and Robbin a bath.
Baskin actually liked it..."just baskin' in the water!"
Robbin just wanted to get out...
practicing our routines, poi, or any other project needed for the programs
John made a air canon that can shoot candy...
See for yourselves it works great!!!
We spend a lot of time laughing as we try to practice in our tiny living and dining room...
We spend a lot of time laughing as we try to practice in our tiny living and dining room...
Did you want to say something Graham?
Marilee has invented a new way to play the bass guitar and carry on a conversation at the same time...
I think Graham has practiced too long today heehee....
I have been very pleased with the effort that everybody has put into this summer camp. Everybody has worked hard and I am excited to see how the next five weeks go....
We had a fantastic day Thursday. We went to the Hillcrest Terrace in Alma, and performed our patriotic program for the residents there. It is one of our favorite places to play at because they are all like family and we can try our new songs on them. We love going there every month!!!
Katie has put together a flag dance routine and usually three of us do this routine with red, white, and blue flags but we did not have enough room here...

The lake was beautiful...
the food was delicious...
the sun was warm...
and you get to spend time with your best friends
What more could you want...
Graham and Isaac pulled out our homemade boats...
Just cut a 50 gallon barrel in half and you have got two trusty boats ready for use.
Ok I'll admit they may not be the most waterproof vessels in the world but they sure are fun to play with...
Uh oh Isaac...
what's wrong with this picture?
Race time
Ready! Set! Go!
Hey Joseph, this is no time to sink...
Keep going Isaac...
Goal accomplished (the yellow boundary buoy)...
Seth's new friend...
What's his name Seth?
Performance Time
God has blessed us abundantly...
First thing the next morning, we went to our friend's home which has a big yard. Next Thursday we are going to play background music for our local Farmer's Market so we set up our sound system and then worked on getting used to playing outside. It was such a lovely morning. There was a cool, refreshing breeze blowing and the sky was a beautiful clear blue. The birds were singing their little hearts out and we just joined in. It was just another reminder that God's creations are beautiful and peaceful.
Seth and I playing the WWI song, Over There...
Graham and Isaac waiting for their turns to play at the mic...
Our civil war medley
Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men.
2 Nephi 31:20
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