Look who's turning 23!!!

September 2 is very special for who?


Yes, Seth is now officially 23 years old.

Here are some facts about him:

He is our gardener and he likes nothing better than to be able to get out into nature and learn from God's creations.
He is completing his junior year in college and is majoring in Natural Science and Mathematics.
His favorite color is blue.
He can play any instrument but has only taken "real lessons" for piano.
He taught himself calculus and is our "math wiz".
Music Theory comes naturally to him and so consequentially he is our best music improviser.
He always wakes up very early to study the scriptures.
He has more energy than anyone else I know.
He is always the first one to do the chores that no one else wants.
Finally and most importantly, Seth has always had a deep love for God and has a very submissive and obedient spirit. His only desire is to do whatever God asks of him.

Seth's favorite scripture is:

"... I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which He commandeth them."

1 Nephi 3:7

His birthday card challenge this year was the most western. Everybody got their creative juices flowing and gave Seth a "wild west" birthday party. YEEEHAAA!!!

Silly Pose!!!

At noon we all piled into "R" Van and headed to Omaha. Seth had requested brown paper sack lunches for his birthday lunch and so Mom packed us each a special lunch including: Sandwich(s), Chips, Caprisun fruit drink, and a Napkin with a special note written on it.
Thank you Mom!

"NAP TIME"!!!!
What do you do when one person forgets his pillow?
Share! right Seth?

After a wonderful trip and a marvelous day spent together we ended it with a VERY rare visit to the restaurant, Outback.

You have been a great blessing in our lives and we could not imagine life with out you!!!!!
We Love You!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Sethy!

    His is also a very good chef, he cooked for me all the time in Maine. It was a chore that almost gave him gray hairs and he would ask me often what he should make for diner. He was a good sport about it, consequentially he has nickname of Schefy. I hope you have a great year!

    We love you!
    Covey, Melody and Mack
