Our friends at the Mosaic gave us this sign and it fit perfectly in one of the front windows of our building. I guess this is the "official" sign that we actually own the building and that we are going to keep it for awhile.
So to continue with the projects.
This is a view of the front room in the building. We wanted to open up the whole front room, so that we would have more remodeling options. Naturally, Graham, Isaac, and Marilee were thrilled to help with this project.
Within an hour the walls were down and all that was left was...
a pile of rubble!
6'10" WOW!!!
This is how Isaac likes to measure the distance from the floor to his head. It makes him feel taller, right Isaac?

This is how Isaac likes to measure the distance from the floor to his head. It makes him feel taller, right Isaac?
Who's painting those walls!?!
Yup, KT and I got to paint the walls that beautiful orange rust color. (Believe me, it looks better in person.)
As we planned for 2012 and organized our music for the year, we have also been getting some skits together. Well after some deliberation, we decided that we needed a few more members to add to our band. So, Katie and I spent a week sewing, sewing, and sewing some more...
The result?
4 life-size dolls, complete with wigs!!!
We're just a couple of "dolls". Wouldn't you agree?
With the addition of these very interesting contraptions, we also have the loss of one member of our family from the home front. Katie left the U.S. on January 23rd and traveled for over 36 hours to answer the Lord's call to serve Him in India. For several years Katie has been a volunteer at an orphanage in Southern India named Families for Children (FFC). You can read more about her work in the India page. Last year she took a break and stayed home to help us with our music programs, as well as recuperate from Mal-nutrition and exhaustion. With the dawn of a new year, the call to serve came once more and she has set off on another grand adventure.
"I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
1 Nephi 3:7
Yup, KT and I got to paint the walls that beautiful orange rust color. (Believe me, it looks better in person.)
4 life-size dolls, complete with wigs!!!

With the addition of these very interesting contraptions, we also have the loss of one member of our family from the home front. Katie left the U.S. on January 23rd and traveled for over 36 hours to answer the Lord's call to serve Him in India. For several years Katie has been a volunteer at an orphanage in Southern India named Families for Children (FFC). You can read more about her work in the India page. Last year she took a break and stayed home to help us with our music programs, as well as recuperate from Mal-nutrition and exhaustion. With the dawn of a new year, the call to serve came once more and she has set off on another grand adventure.
"I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."
1 Nephi 3:7
Yay! Updates!!! We love updates!! I am excited to see the finished product of the studio and to see these dolls in action. Sounds like you guys are staying busy, as usual. Hopefully we can see you guys sometime soon. Mack and Covey say Hi.