Building Update!

This should be voted as the funniest picture of the month! Where there is a break time, there is always creative ways to find enjoyment... like teeter-tatoring on debris.

How is it? Isaac is testing out the new bench he help make with Seth.

Good Job Seth and Isaac! They look good so far.

Oh Boy! We got plenty of tile.

We are excited about laying this tile down. It has a lot of character and variation.

John and Seth go in the morning and lay tile for couple hours. Little by little it is starting to take shape. The plan is that they start at the front door and are making a pathway to the back of the room.

Dancing or sweeping? Well whatever you are doing you have good style!

Endless cement mixing. I think there is around 1500 square feet of tile and cement. Seth and John will be experts by the time they finish this big project. What a wonderful job they are doing.

Knees hurting yet? It is looking good boys! You are almost there! I can see the back of the wall.

On Saturday's we all try to spend time helping John and Seth with the tile. Cleaning all the excess cement is the next step before putting in the grout. I cannot believe the tile is almost done. Although there is still a lot more to do on the building this will be a relief to have done.

The Lord has blessed our lives so much. We hope that we can dedicate and use the building for His work and glory!

1 comment:

  1. The tile and benches look great. I am most impressed with the teeter totter;) I am excited to see this studio. It has come a long way!!!
