At the beginning of the week, John got up onto the roof of our building and found that there were large puddles of water, from a recent rainstorm that had not draining properly. This led to the discovery that this has been going on for a long time. In fact, the water had started eroding the roof and side of the building away. After this discovery John knew that he had his whole week's work cut out for him.
Project #1: Fix the puddle problem!
First things first: GET RID OF THE WATER!!!
They even found mold inside one of the walls.
Graham, Isaac, and Marilee were more than happy to help John take the wall out.
I hope you know how to put up new walls as well as you know how to take them down...
Its gone! Now what...
Project #2: Fix the roof!
The steps to fixing a leaky roof are...
#1: Creatively thinking of a way to get the 50 lb. roll of tar paper up onto the roof of the building.

#2: Measure, cut, and nail the paper onto the roof
#3: Spread tar over the paper, and put the shingles on.
How does it taste Graham?
Mission accomplished!
If you don't know already I must say that tar is a huge MESS and sticks to everything!!!
But its mighty fun to play in, right boys?
Are you ready to practice again?
In case you were wondering, we did not stop practicing all together.
Dad and the boys were going to sing for our church service on Sunday and so they put together an arrangement for the beautiful hymn, I Need Thee Every Hour.
Guess what the girls get to do while the boys sing. We get to take a break and LISTEN!!!
We will be praying for you!
That weekend we drove down to Benkelman, Ne to play at their County Fair. It was a beautiful day and the temperature was perfect.
I know we don't seem to be looking the right way, but we were very interested in what was going on in the corral.
None of us had ever seen a Cattle Dog Show before. It was fascinating to watch the dogs herd the cattle through an obstacle course. It was amazing to see the difference between the really good dogs that were strictly obedient to their masters and were able to get the cattle through the course quickly and easily, and the dogs that did their own thing and ended up not even being able to finish the course. We realized that we are the same way, when we follow exactly what the Lord wants us to do and are obedient to His commands then we can accomplish anything. But if we go about life relying on our own wisdom and strength then we can only expect to fail.
After we had finished setting up and we looked around, we found that Marilee had disappeared. However, it did not take long to find her and we found that she had managed to make friends with a couple horses, dogs, and any other animal she could find. She was in heaven...
All her dreams came true when she actually got to ride one of the horses!
She said that this "was the best day" of her life...
The performance went really well and we had a really nice audience. We felt God's Spirit as we shared a message of peace founded in Jesus Christ. We felt so blessed to meet and be among the people of Benkelman. THANK YOU for making us feel so welcome!!!
So next week we will get back to work and start a new school year. Our goal this year is to BEE industrious and hard working students, right Graham, Isaac, and Marilee?
"Six days shalt thou work, but on the seventh day thou shalt rest..."
Exodus 34:21
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