This is our dilemma... Are we actually improving our musical skills or are we just permanently forming bad musical habits? We work really hard to achieve the former goal. I can't believe our summer camp is half over. This 3rd week has just flown by too fast. We have had many good practice sessions and we are finally pulling our next Great Plains Opry program together. It should be a blast!
As you can see we are still working on choreographing this song. Either I need to grow a couple inches taller or Joseph needs to shrink a little. right Joseph?
I'm positive that these are the skinniest saxophones ever invented. If you ever want to make one its actually very simple, all you need is foam core, gold color spray paint, and a kazoo.
Stick it all together and you get a kazoozophone!!!
Can't go a day with out practicing our poi. It is so much fun to be able to get the balls to swing the way you want them to and not get hit every second.
John put together a dance for the song Ba Ba Ba Ba Babara Ann... This is the finale!
Water breaks are always welcome!!!
BREAK TIME!!! Now boys if you are going to wrestle go outside (chuckle)...
Tuesday June 29, Hastings Village:
Not only was the company excellent but the food was so good!!! I would like to say that again, the food was DELICIOUS! They served sausage, biscuits, and gravy, an egg casserole, sticky buns, and a frozen fruit slush. Yummy!
Thank you Elwood Volunteers for making our visit so enjoyable for us!!!
The next day we played at the Holdrege Memorial Homes. Since they had already heard the first version of our patriotic program last month, we played a more polished revised version of it for them.
Practicing sure pays off right Marilee?
During the program, we thanked the war veterans with all of our hearts. They are an inspiration to us. We feel so grateful for the men and women who have served to keep our nation free. We are so grateful for them and for our country. We are proud to be AMERICAN!!!
This week has been filled with the Lord's "tender mercies" as we have traveled, performed, and even just practiced. We feel His love as we try to dedicate our lives to His service. Our gratitude for the Savior grew today as we read about Jesus' Atonement in the New Testament. It is indeed awe inspiring to learn about THE Son of God, who was willing to come to this earth to make it possible for us to live with Him again. I think the most sublime explanation of this eternal sacrifice is found in the gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
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