We enjoyed meeting the residents and had a great time singing and playing songs about the history our nation.
Our program was a variety of songs from the different eras in American history as well as just some of our favorite songs to play such as "Goin' to the Chapel", and "the Preamble". Joseph cleverly tied this conglomeration of music together with a narrative written entirely in verse. This is a talent that none of us knew he had until he became the emcee at our programs. Keep it up Joseph!!!
Once the 4th was over it hit us that the Great Plains Opry was right around the corner. In fact it was only four days away. Now we had not been lazy or negligent in preparing for this program and we had practiced everyday for several weeks. But when you get to less than a week before the performance and you find that nobody knows exactly what they are going to be wearing, that the singing harmonies are still not exactly together, and that the routines are not totally put together, and that to tell you the truth the program is still pretty rough then you start to get worried. So we jumped right into polishing each song and routine. Finally when Saturday arrived, we finished our final dress rehearsal and then quietly put our faith in the Lord and just prayed that He would "consecrate our performance".
The Great Plains Opry was being held in Holdrege (which was very convenient for us). We were going to play in...
Here is a picture we found of the stage. It is a pretty large stage and it was a relief to be able to have plenty of room to do our routines as you will see in some of the other pictures...
I guess I had better mention that we had decided to go back to the 1950s for this program. We had a lot of fun learning some of the popular songs from that era. Here are some videos and pictures of our performance.
John and I had worked many hours to try to learn this dance. It was rewarding to actually get it pulled together in time. We hope you enjoyed this video.
Ba Ba Ba Ba Babara Ann
Here is the finale for the Barbara Ann line dance
"See ya Later Alligator" Richards' style
Don't John and Seth look sharp!
After the performance we got a group picture with a couple of our friends Hannah Robbins, and Michael Jones
We again felt the Lords' hand sustain us and help us accomplish the impossible.
If you are not tired of us yet you will find that life continues to fly by. Here some random pictures of our days after the Opry...
Its time to say goodbye... to what?
Yup say goodbye to their "bushy bushy hairdos"
Summer must really be here because the boys were finally ready for their summer buzzes!!!
Hey Graham its lookin' good?
"Marilee loves Baskin"
is definitely an understatement.
Seth is in charge of this juggling routine and it will be neat to see it when they get it together right boys?
"To be or not to be"
As you can see they got a hold of the cat-eye glasses and kept us all entertained while they experimented with every photo setting they could find.
Inspiring Art!!!
A couple weeks ago we were visiting a historic Pioneer Trail Center in Omaha and we saw several bronze statues on display. Upon closer inspection we found that the bronze displays depicted different events from the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We have seen many depictions of Jesus Christ but these touched us immediately with a spirit of reverence and awe and we could tell that these were truly great masterpieces of art. Here are some of our favorites...
"Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea"and He "spake unto them, saying... It is I; be not afraid"
Matt. 14:25, 27
These words are just as true today as they were 2,000 years ago. Jesus Christ is the master and Lord of both heaven and earth and so no matter how strong and scary the spiritual storms may seem there is nothing to fear when we put our trust in Him.
"Mary... sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word... and Jesus answered and said... But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part..."
Luke 10: 39, 42

"How oft have I gathered you as a hen gathereth her
chickens under her wings, and have nourished you."
3 Nephi 10: 4
"Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name..."
4 Luke 11:2

We left the visitor's center uplifted and inspired by the life and example of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is not an experience we will soon forget.
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